<3 Story of my Family <3
My family is made out of eight People, who are my grand-mom, my mother, my five sisters and I. Lucky for us we're all girls so we do not have to be dealing with guys and their mess in the house. even thought we are all girls you can still see that each one of us have different personalities depending on the chronological order that we were born. The oldest members of my family who are my grand-mom, my mom, my eldest sister and myself We're all bossy, We all love to be giving commands and to be running the house our way. The middle members of my family are rude, they love to be mean with the youngest one and also to talk back to the eldest members when they are talking. In the other hand are the youngest members of my family, who are the lovely ones and the ones that are always being protected by my parents and because of that they always end up getting away with everything.
Hey calm Carmen you're unlucky to be surrounded only by females. girls are too complicated and hard to understand sometimes. connecting to birth control article you have advantages and disadvantages. the advantages as you said you' re bossy that's kind of good but try to do it when your parents not there lol ") because the disadvantage is that your parent would protected them .
ReplyDeletehey Carmen i can see how your story is related with the article written by Lucile k. forer. when you have younger siblings i think is impossible not to try and act as a parent, since they need somebody to guide them.
ReplyDeleteCalm carmen! I enjoyed reading your story=).Since the oldest child are the bossy i thnik the middle children need to be guided by them because it is bad to be rude in younger child of the family.=) I see that you don't have any brothers so i can be a nice brother for you.
ReplyDeleteNice comments from everyone.